On his first working day, new US President Joe Biden passed a number of executive orders to combat the COVID pandemic.
First of all, now all arriving in the United States of America must undergo mandatory quarantine.
Moreover, this decree applies not only to tourists but also to US citizens and residents. According to the latest information, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will announce the duration and all conditions of quarantine compliance after analysis of the situation.
It is worth recalling that earlier a law was promulgated on the mandatory presence of a negative test result for COVID upon arrival in the United States. And nothing has changed yet: it will take effect from January 26, 2021. By the way, when the decree on mandatory quarantine will come into force is still unknown.
However, the directives of the new president did not end there. After all, the United States is one of the countries most affected by the pandemic. Furthermore, according to the latest data from Johns Hopkins University, the number of deaths in the United States from the virus (405,400 people) has already exceeded the death rate during the Second World War. Consequently, Biden intends to actively confront COVID, as he wrote on social media:
“Today (21.01.2021), I announced my COVID-19 National Action Plan. We’re mounting an aggressive, coordinated, equitable, and professional response to get the virus under control as soon as possible.”
Summing up, the US President in the fight against the virus plans to adhere to the following actions:
- The obligatory wearing of masks indoors and on public and interstate transport.
- Testing and vaccination of the population. Launching a program to distribute vaccines through pharmacies.
- Creation of public vaccination centers.
- The safe reopening of educational institutions (schools, kindergartens, colleges).
- Developing special programs to protect the elderly and other risk groups.
- Tightening of safety rules for workers.
In conclusion, the American government understands that it will take a lot of time and effort to defeat the epidemic. But Joe Biden stays positive and believes in a favorable outcome:
“We didn’t get into this mess overnight, and it will take months to turn this around. Despite the best intentions we’re going to face setbacks. To a nation waiting for action, let me be clear on this point: Help is on the way.”